10 Jobs That Are Increasingly Threatened by Technology

New technology doesn’t always equate to job loss. In many industries, the influx of new software and artificial intelligence is incredibly cost effective and time saving, having a positive effect on the industry and job market in general. However, in some industries, the implementation of new technology means that longtime employees are crowded out, ultimately, resulting in termination.

Related: An Inside Look Into What People Earn And The Jobs That They Have

Technology Takeover

As more sophisticated machines are integrated into the working world, more jobs are coming under fire with the tech takeover. Jobs that once required human intelligence are starting to be replaced by machines, and as multiple industries are facing this tech invasion, your job may be next to go. Read on for some of the most likely industries to replace real workers with machines.


The insurance industry can easily be affected by automation. The insurance underwriters and brokers of today will find that technology has begun to automate their roles, eliminating the need for human intelligence within its industry.


Architects are some of the most highly skilled workers in the world, but with automation’s helping hand, more jobs and opportunities are dwindling. Programs that help people design their homes and businesses are already used within the industry. This technology exchanges the skilled intelligence of an architect, for the artificial intelligence of a machine.


Journalism can now be accomplished with the help of machines that work to use narrative science to develop new content. Many press releases and financial reports today are actually created by machine. Machines can easily analyze and interpret data and heavy content much more efficiently than humans can. With the help of artificial intelligence, new content can be “rewritten” with the push of a button.

Financial industry

Artificially intelligent robots and sophisticated software is commonly used to run algorithms to prepare accounts and analyze complicated data. For the financial industry, automation means that the jobs of bankers, tellers, and more will be unnecessary. Even in payroll departments, software is beginning to replace the simpler tasks workers do. When it comes to trading stocks, computers are readily used to working faster than any human could. Such software can help traders predict whether to sell or buy more accurately than a human might. While this may mean big bucks on the stock market, this sort of automation puts analysts and others in the financial industry at risk for unemployment.


Many may think that human intelligence is a must for the education industry, but automation is quickly making a play for the world of teaching. Teaching has typically been a profession where intelligence is championed above all else. In today’s world, machines are threatening to replace human skills with artificial intelligence. Methods are currently being developed to customize education plans for students. With such technology, teachers may simply become the guardians of the classroom as machines take over the role as “teacher”.


Even in the healthcare field, doctors, nurses and technicians may find that they are being replaced by artificial intelligence. Even now, surgeons rely heavily on automated machines to assist with surgeries. Additionally, robots can be used to diagnose diseases, prescribe medicine, and even administer anesthesia to patients.

Human Resources

By its very name, human resources should be the one industry safe from the grasp of artificial intelligence. However, the HR field is already a victim to the machines. With new ideas and data mining, companies are turning to automation to takeover HR tasks like hiring, paper filing, updating employees, and so on.

Advertising, Marketing, Journalism

The world of marketing and advertising is generally a profession requiring human interaction, thought, and personality. As technology continues to develop more sophisticated artificially intelligent software, even admen, marketers, and journalists are finding themselves threatened. With natural language software, companies are outsourcing their creative content and ad purchases to machines. This leaves the very real tasks of creating and placing ads a job for the machines to get done.


During a lawsuit, paralegals and lawyers often have hours of data and documents to review for the case. With the help of sophisticated technology and databases, combing through such vast amounts of data is made easy. Machines are currently being poised to review case histories, go over precedent, as well as drafting legal briefs.

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement is using automation software to predict risks and the need for police presence. With the help of this type of artificial intelligence, the amount of officers needed for various situations will decrease, ultimately resulting in fewer job opportunities within the law enforcement industry.


The data doesn’t lie. No matter your industry or profession, automation can be a threat to you. As software and technology continues to advance, many companies will start to incorporate automation into the workplace. While this doesn’t guarantee that jobs will be eliminated, it certainly puts the future into question.

Vipul Mistry is a contributor to  TheFinanceGenie.com  and provides advice on everyday issues.  Vipul has been investigating and reporting ... More about Vipul Mistry

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