Get Rich with These Easy Steps
Grant Cardone, a man who went from being broke to incredibly rich, claims that everyone can get rich. He stated that no matter your economic situation, you can become rich. In his book “The Millionaire Booklet: How to Get Super Rich”, he describes in detail how you can make your way from rags to riches (See video above). So, let us take a closer look at the things that worked for him!
Step 1: Put Your Mind to It
Accumulating wealth is all about the right mindset, because if you believe you can’t become a millionaire, it will be the biggest obstacle on your way to success. So, the first thing to do before anything else, is believe that you can become rich!
“The biggest mistake is to think becoming a millionaire is impossible,” writes Cardone. “The first thing you have to do is decide to become a millionaire, multimillionaire, or billionaire if you want. … Then you must reinforce that decision, over and over.”
Step 2: Set Your Goal
To start your journey to riches, you must set a goal for yourself. Of course, your goals must be realistic and doable. You must also have a plan to get to your goal, otherwise it just stays to wishful thinking.
For example; if you want to accumulate a million dollars, plan ways to get that amount. Getting a million dollars is easier than you think, since you could get that amount by charging a simple $17-dollar subscription fee to 5000 people over the course of a year. You could also sell a $500-dollar product to 2000 people. Even though these are simple examples, they are certainly a possibility.
Step 3: Add to Your Current Income
Once you have created a plan to become rich, you must increase your income. Cardone stated that most self-made millionaires have at least three sources of income, so you must be willing to work hard if you want to become part of the super-wealthy.
Fortunately, increasing your income is a lot easier today than it used to be. Entrepreneurs have access to internet sales, blogs, streaming software and all other forms of media that could increase their income. Of course, experienced entrepreneurs who already have some investment money at their disposal could also use income streams from real estate, the stock market and other investment opportunities.
Step 4: Network
Getting rich and successful is also subject to knowing the right people. Therefore, it is important to know who has money and power in your environment. Getting in contact with these people and piquing their interest into your product, idea or service, could mean the difference.
To become successful, you do not have to make money all by yourself, you can connect with those who already have it. There are people out there with more money than they can spend in a lifetime, but they still want more. So, if you have an excellent proposal and you have good networking skills, you could get your foot in the door and become rich.
Step 5: Do with Less
Even if your income increases, do with what you have. Cardone writes, “stay broke”. He invests his money before paying anyone else. This way, he never is tempted to spend or waste money. Additionally, when you are broke, it’s keeps you motivated. It forces you to produce new ideas, new revenue to make sure you are always thinking ahead.
Step 6: Don’t Sit on Your Money
You must spend money to make money; this is certainly true for those who want to become rich. Even if you increase your income, always look for ways to invest. You could invest in training for yourself, or in the development of a new product or service. Being wealthy is about reinventing yourself and your company, so never sit on your money and always look for ways to improve!