Everyone knows that they should be investing their money, but many choose not because they are intimidated by investing. In reality, though, investing couldn’t be simpler. You don’t need a business degree or even a high school diploma to start investing. With modern technology, there are many helpful apps available on various mobile devices that make investing money effortless, and even fun. Here are the top apps to help you start investing.
Acorns truly is one of the simplest ways to invest money. You don’t have to worry about choosing where to invest or even how much. Acorns takes an idea which began with online banking and has nurtured it into an investing staple—rolling spare change into a separate account. Every time you spend money, Acorns rounds that amount to the next dollar and invests it into an index fund, which is an extremely diverse fund mirroring an entire stock exchange.
SigFig gives you the control by allowing you to invest in whatever you want, whenever you want. Like a fantasy football player tinkering with the day’s lineup, you can select anything you want to invest in. SigFig doesn’t leave everything up to chance, however. When you sign up, you get your own customized plan to guide you. If you decide control isn’t for you, SigFig will manage your account for a small fee.
To learn more about SigFig, check out this link.
Motif allows you to essentially select a small portfolio in any niche market you want. These portfolios (called motifs, hence the name) are in 150 different categories selected by the pros. Even though you must pay for each motif, you get a multitude of stocks with each one. Motif works well if you’re overwhelmed by investing but know the type of market you want your money in.
To learn more about Motif, check out this link.
There are many different apps that allow you to invest, but with those you will also need information on current markets. Keeping you up-to-date is where Benzinga comes in. While similar to extensive research apps like Bloomberg or Yahoo Finance, Benzinga allows immediate sharing of information. While the app may not be the best to look up something in-depth and technical, Benzinga will keep you current on all market affairs. It is designed more like a social media app than an information app, allowing you to share articles on social media and view tweets from current market twitter accounts.
To learn more about Benzinga, check out this link.
Whether you need to know how to invest, need to know what to invest in, or need to be kept current on the market, mobile apps are the way of the future on Wall Street. You can be your very own stock trader with a few simple taps and swipes. You can invest in index funds or one specific stock; you can check in daily with your investments and fine-tune everything or let your apps do all the work. No matter what your investing style, interest, or capability, mobile apps will let you tap into your investing self.
Disclosure: The information provided by The Financial Genie is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered legal or financial advice. You should consult with an attorney or other professional to determine what may be best for your individual needs. The Financial Genie does not make any guarantee or other promise as to any results that may be obtained from using our content. No one should make any investment decision without first consulting his or her own financial advisor and conducting his or her own research and due diligence. Additionally, some of the organizations with products on our site may pay us a referral fee or affiliate commission when you click to apply for those products.