Costco is all about shopping bulk items for a fraction of the cost. Grabbing household essentials that will last you months is helpful, but saving a few cents on each item can put money back into your bank account. Save it for a rainy day or for a more fun purchase later on down the road.
While you can save simply by shopping at wholesalers, you might not know that there are even more ways to save at Costco thanks to these helpful tips and tricks. From pricetag hacks to utilizing your membership perks to find the best deals on brands, it’s time to learn about the twelve best ways to save at Costco.
12. Try Costco Next

Looking for a certain item that isn’t in stock at your local Costco? Costco Next lets you shop directly from Costco’s suppliers while still getting great deals. To use this membership perk, simply head to Costco Next’s website, log in using your membership number, and scroll through the available brands. They have various labels from long-lasting clothing by Bench to luxurious outdoor furniture by Ledge.
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11. Pick Up Gift Cards

Many of us have passed the gift card section without a second thought. However, shopping for gift cards is just one of the many ways to save at Costco. They have gift cards for gaming, lifestyle, restaurants, entertainment, and travel. And what’s even better is that you can buy in bulk to save. For instance, some options include $100 worth of Domino’s for only $80. This could create high year-end savings if you buy these gift cards to give out for birthdays, holidays, or special occasions throughout the year.
10. Shop Off-Season

Costco goes all out for the holidays. But instead of shopping for the current decorations and accessories, it’s better to wait to save even more. Most of the time, Costco stores will have a decent-sized selection of holiday leftovers and will discount the products to clear out stock. Keep this in mind as it’s the perfect time to shop for next year.
9. Request Price Adjustments

Did you know that you can ask for a price adjustment after purchasing any item? Costco is generous with its return and refund policy, and with that, it also offers a 30-day price adjustment. If you see that a price has dropped over the next few weeks after purchasing an item, you can come back and ask for a refund of the difference. This is another one of the many ways to save at Costco that only true savers know about.
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8. Try Travel Packages

If you’re planning a vacation, why not check the prices at Costco first? Costco might not be the first option when it comes to traveling, but its travel agency offers various packages and discounts for members. These discounts include hotels, airlines, and cruises.
7. Take Advantage of Car Rentals

Along with finding a great flight at better prices at Costco, you can also rent vehicles as well. Whether you’re booking a vacation or in need of a rental for business, Costco members can choose the perfect vehicle at a fraction of the cost compared to other rentals.
6. Use the Pharmacy

Costco is the one-stop shop, so it can be your pharmacy for medicine as well. Not only can you use its pharmacy to pick up prescriptions, but you don’t even have to be a member to use this service. Although, if you’re a member, you can utilize Costco insurance, which offers discounted rates. Even over-the-counter medication prices are better than what you’ll see at competitor stores.
5. Update Your Glasses Prescription

Similar to prescriptions, you can also get your glasses prescription renewed at Costco and shop for a more affordable pair. Costco’s Optical Center is great for saving a bit more on yearly appointments while still getting high-quality customer service. You can even purchase prescription sunglasses at select locations.
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4. Costco’s Coupon Book

One of the biggest ways to save at Costco is by following Costco’s monthly and holiday coupon books. Each month a new book is released with various items that are featured on sale. These items can span from your home pantry to large appliances. The key is to jump into a store while supplies last.
3. Save on Gas

Don’t overspend on filling the tank again. One of the best ways to save at Costco is using its gas stations. Most gas stations are around $0.20 less than competitor locations, which is a huge difference that can save you hundreds of dollars over the course of a year.
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2. Opt for Kirkland Signature

Name-brands might seem like the way to go if you want high-quality products. However, at Costco, Kirkland Signature is the best option, especially for groceries. The store’s in-house brand works with the name brands to create custom, tested, hand-selected products that are more affordable, yet still excellent quality. Shoppers often can’t tell the difference between the two, so it’s best to save a few bucks by opting for Kirkland Signature products.
1. Understand Price Tags

The number one way to save at Costco is just by reading price tags. At any other store, you look at price tags to see if you’re staying within budget. Costco actually hides certain meanings (usually sale items) behind their price tags.
For instance, prices that end in .97 are slow-selling, or seasonal merchandise. For price tags with an asterisk (*), these are discontinued items that won’t be returning to the store after they sell out. Lastly, price tags ending in .00 or .88 are usually store returns or floor models. This indicates that there is limited stock remaining and the manager is trying to clear out the rest.
These sales vary depending on the store manager and location, so if you have a few Costcos in your area, it might be a good idea to mix up which one you frequent. This way, you can have your eyes on new items and hopefully, more sales.