Being a politician pays of, especially where finances are concerned. Recent reports show just how wealthy certain politicians are. So, if you are wondering if you should change your career to politician, be sure to discover the richest politicians in the United States below. We are sure you will consider a career change after this one!
The Top 10 Richest Politicians in the United States Congress
HowMuch provided a look into the richest politician by state. These politicians are richer than you can ever imagine, since several are over the hundred million dollar mark! Here is the top ten, with each politician’s net worth accompanied by their home state.
- Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA): $330 million
- Representative Jared Polis (D-CO): $313.6 million
- Senator Mark Warner (D-VA): $238.2 million
- Representative John K. Delaney (D-MD) – $232.8 million
- Representative Dave Trott (R-MI) – $177.1 million
- Representative Vernon Buchanan (R-FL) – $115.5 million
- Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) – $81.7 million
- Rep Diane Black (R-TN) – $75.3 million
- Representative Chris Collins (R-NY) – $66.4 million
- Representative Thomas MacArthur (R-NJ) – $64 million
Donald Trump’s Net Worth
While not part of the US Congress, the President’s net worth is calculated at over $3Billion. However, Mr. Trump didn’t amass his fortune while being a politician. In fact he has declined his presidential salary and opted instead to donate to other government entities.
What These Numbers Tell Us
There are some things we can deduct from this number, aside from the astronomical wealth these politicians enjoy. One of the things that stand out most is that there is a serious gender pay gap, even where well-paid politicians are concerned.
The earnings of the top fifty most wealthy politicians are known, and it would seem only six out of those fifty politicians are women. It also seems that more republican female politicians have better pay. The wealthiest female politician in the overview is also a republican, more specifically Diana Black with a net worth of $75.3 million. Still, this stands in high contrast with the previous six top earners on the list.
Putting Things in Perspective
We must put things in perspective, because recent reports show that not all politicians are wealthy. More than a hundred members of congress actually have a negative net worth; this according to the recently released Wealth of Congress Index. Therefore, being a politician does not equal being an instant millionaire.
There is also a difference between the wealth of politicians and non-politicians. Compared to the estimated wealth of some non-politicians in their state, the numbers above pale in comparison. While some non-politicians in some states are billionaires, there is no current member of Congress that has reached that pinnacle. However, Donald Trump has, but he does not represent one specific state. He was also considered as a successful businessman before he hit the oval office.
Politicians earn a good living, but it would seem that being a politician does not necessarily guarantee being a millionaire. Of course, it does increase your chances a lot. So, if you are considering a career change, being a politician could be quite lucrative.
Female politicians seem to be earning considerably less than their male counterparts, which is another aspect that should be called upon in Congress. Still, compared to most female workers in the United States, female politicians are not exactly poor!
Of course, being a successful politician is all about connections and having the funds to campaign in the first place. Therefore, becoming a politician will remain a pipe dream for many of us.