5 Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Your First Home

Considering buying your first home? Then pay close attention to the following information to avoid common mistakes people make when buying their first home! Below, you’ll find what you need to look out for, but also what you need to avoid!

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Additional Costs

When people buy a home for the first time, they believe the mortgage is the only thing they should take into account. This is not true! Because there are other hidden costs you might not even thought of yet!

Additional costs such as property insurance, tax, closing costs, homeowners association dues, maintenance and similar expenses need to be considered before buying your first home. You may believe you can afford the mortgage, but can you afford all these other expenses too?

Get Approved First

Many people make the mistake of looking for a home to buy before they even have an approved mortgage. Not only does this expose you to a huge amount of risks, it could also cost you your dream home. Therefore, financial experts recommend always getting a mortgage pre-approved by your lender before you start searching for your forever home!

Not quite confident doing all this on your own? No need to worry, because there are people who specialize in pre-approved mortgages and can help you on your way. Getting a mortgage broker can ensure you are fully prepared for your home purchase, but do make sure you have hired the services of a trustworthy person.

References Are Important

You might believe that your money is enough to buy a good home, but it’s not. There are many people out there who don’t have your best interest at heart, so asking trusted friends and family members for references can certainly help you.

When you are buying a home for the first time, you don’t really know who you’ll be dealing with. However, a reference from a friend or relative goes a long way and can prevent you from ending up with someone who just wants to get more money out of you.

Don’t Deplete Your Savings

Having to pay for mortgage-related costs, furniture and other things you’ll need for your future home makes it tempting to empty your savings completely. However, the result is not worth the risk!

Instead of emptying your savings completely, make sure you have some savings left when you’ve settled in your new home. There are always unforeseen expenses, so make sure you cater for those too.

Reduce Spending

Before you can get a mortgage, lenders will take a close look at your financials. Therefore, it is important to be smart with your spending for at least a year before you apply for a mortgage. For example, spending money on online casinos and other risky betting games could affect your chances of getting a mortgage! So, take an honest look at your finances and make improvements before you head to your mortgage broker.


There are many risks to getting your own home, but doing it right does decrease a lot of those risks. If your financial security is important, then be sure to consider the information above carefully before applying for any mortgage.


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