4 Things To Be Wary Of When Using Payday Loans. Read This To Find Out More

If you have a need for cash quickly, you might consider using a payday loan. They don’t require a credit check and you can have the money the same day. However, there are some things you should be aware of before you take out a payday loan.

Payday Loan Costs

Interest rates on payday loans are higher than almost any other type of debt. It’s important to know this before you apply. Payday loans typically have triple-digit annual percentage rate. They’re legally able to charge this high interest rate because it’s a short-term loan that’s intended to be repaid in just a couple of weeks.

Pay close attention to the fees you’re going to have to pay. When you repay your payday loan, you’ll have to repay the amount you borrowed plus an additional fee. Before you apply, consider your future income and expenses and your ability to repay the loan.

Related: 9 Payday Loan Alternatives if You Have Bad Credit

Applying for a Payday Loan

When you apply for payday loan online, make sure you give your best contact information. The company will have to call you via the contact number you entered into the application. Online payday lenders must call applicants to verify their information before approving the application. Entering the correct contact information ensures you receive the funds as quickly as possible.

It can be helpful to compare loans from a few different companies before completing an application. The pricing, repayment flexibility, and terms and conditions can make a difference in the company you ultimately choose to go with. Make sure to read the fine print before you accept the loan. You don’t want to have any surprises with the loan.

Don’t be afraid to call the company with any questions you have, even if you’re applying for an online loan. Find the company’s customer service number on their website and contact a representative to get clarification on anything that’s not clear from the website. This can actually help you decide whether this is a company you want to do business with. If the customer service is not professional, you may decide to go with another company.

Choosing a Payday Loan

There are hundreds of payday loan companies all vying for your business. If you’ve decided that a payday loan is your only option, you should check out the company before you proceed. Look online to get reviews of the company and see other customers’ experience with them. Avoid getting a loan from a company that has negative reviews from other customers or a bad rating with the Better Business Bureau.

Repaying Your Loan

Many payday loan companies will allow you to rollover your loan if you can’t afford to pay it back. However, extending your loan by repaying it will cost an additional fee and more interest. It gets extremely expensive to keep rolling over the loan and actually puts you further in the hole. Meanwhile, the payday loan company is raking in millions of dollars in profit.

Generally speaking, payday loans are a last resort option if you can’t find another way to take care of your needs. Payday loans are expensive, with high interest rate and fees, and can be difficult to repay. If you end up taking out a payday loan, pay it back as quickly as possible.

Vipul Mistry is a contributor to  TheFinanceGenie.com  and provides advice on everyday issues.  Vipul has been investigating and reporting ... More about Vipul Mistry

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