Going to college isn’t cheap, and even if you have been saving for yourself or your children to go to school, you may still be wary of the tuition and fees price tag. Luckily, there are millions of dollars in scholarships that go unclaimed every single year, and technology has made it easier for you to access those. Whether you’re looking to continue your education or just starting off, there are apps that can help you pay for college.
Probably the most well-known app to help find students scholarships is Scholly. It first went mainstream when founder Christopher Gray appeared on Shark Tank in 2015. He got a deal with Lori Greiner and Daymond John, who helped make Scholly a household name for people who need some assistance paying for college. Their platform helps match you with scholarships that would be a good fit for what you’re looking to go to school for. It helps both undergrads and graduate students find good opportunities and cuts out the wasted time searching for scholarships online. There is a fee of $2.99 associated with using the app.
Another popular website is scholarships.com. This app gives you not only scholarship opportunities, but also gives you news about colleges you’re interested in. You can set your preferences via the search and see what it is that you’d like to apply for. The results algorithm isn’t quite as advanced as it is with Scholly, but if $2.99 is an amount you’d rather not spend — and for many potential college students that’s understandable — then scholarships.com might be your best bet.
It isn’t as visually pleasing or attractively navigable as its competitors, but Scholarship Advisor is right up there when it comes to helping fund your college tuition. This app is also available online, at http://www.studentadvisor.com/. It will help you root out some scholarships that you may not have otherwise known about. If you’re looking for a free, straightforward platform, then this is a great choice for you.
Schooled combines the best of all college apps. It offers students resources to find their ideal college, as well as ways to fund attending that school. Its scholarships aren’t as far reaching, but if you’ve received enough federal aid, and are still looking at your prospective schools, then it could offer insight that will help you decide between your final options.
Now we come to a name you’ve likely heard in the journey toward receiving your degree. Of course, Sallie Mae, one of the most well-known college loan providers, has an app that will help you find scholarships. However, as this app shows, Sallie Mae is willing to do a lot more for you than that. This app will not only assist you in finding scholarships, it will also give you a college roadmap, so you can plan out the major aspects of arriving at your dream school.