If you’re a student and not sure where to go to find good college resources, Collegestash.info might be your answer. The site has curated 200+ tools and resources (all of them are FREE) to help improve productivity at every stage in in a college student’s life and beyond.
According to their website – College Stash was started by Ramasrinu Rayavarapu and Mounika Gopisetty and was built to empower the student community by helping to discover great online resources and pave the path for a better generations.
In total there are 20 different categories with over 200+ resources. The list of resources and links are continually growing
It starts with test prep. Companies like Princeton Review and Kaplan are noted along with a number of others. The College Finder section includes a number of choices to help you narrow down your choice of schools – based on test scores, tuition rates, class room size, etc. They have noted a number of technical applications as well including how to backup your data, productivity applications, and scientific calculators.
If you have child in or getting ready for college this is a tool you must check out.